Call For Papers Vol.02 Issue No.10 Submission Deadline: October 20, 2024

Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

Subject: Languages & Literature, Philosophy, Religious Studies, History, Anthropology, Psychology, Sociology, Women’s Studies, Politics, International Relations etc.

Editor's E-mail: editor.ejahss@eonjournal.org

Frequency: Monthly

Journals of Business and Management Studies

Subject: Management, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Organizational Management, Management Strategy, Accounting Information System, Journalism etc.

Editor's E-mail: editor.ejbms@eonjournal.org

Frequency: Monthly

Journal of Economics and Statistical Research

Subject: Managerial Economics, International economics, Statistics, Labor economics, Econometrics, Psychometrics, International trade , Macroeconomics etc.

Editor's E-mail: editor.ejesr@eonjournal.org

Frequency: Monthly


EON is an independent, interdisciplinary library and scholar-led collaboration whose enduring concern is with individual, social, political and cultural practices, in the context of mapping transformations in contemporary society. EON publishes original papers, review papers, case studies, conference reports, academic exchanges, conceptual framework, empirical research, technical notes, and book reviews in the various fields of knowledge and education. EON describes it’s interest by dividing in to three major Journals like:

1.       International Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

2.       International Journal of Business and Management Studies

3.       International Journal of Economics and Statistical Research

All the journals follow double-blind peer-review process while reviewing and selecting a manuscript for publication. It publishes monthly and is an open-access journal that encourages the latest research on the fields of Languages, literature, philosophy, religious studies, history, anthropology, linguistics, history, classical studies, music, creative writing, psychology, sociology, cultural studies, women’s studies, politics, international relations, development studies, archaeology, journalism, and media and communication, Management, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Organizational Management, Managerial Economics, Management Strategy, Financial Management, Accounting Information System, Economics, Geography, History, Law, Education, entrepreneurship, International economics Economic development etc.

Open Access Policy

This is an open-access journal, i.e. all articles are immediately and permanently free to read, download, copy & distribute. The journal is published under the CC BY 4.0 user license which defines the permitted 3rd-party reuse of its articles.

Publication Frequency

EON journal publishes articles on monthly basis. Accepted articles are published from 10 to 13th of each month. It takes at most one week to review an article and to provide the editorial decision. Researchers are able to submit manuscript at any time of the year for reviewing and publication.

Types of Contributions

Authors should consider their chosen article type carefully; the journal accepts the following types of contributions: research articles, review articles and book reviews.

Accepted Languages

EON is a multi-lingual journal; which means we have no barrier in publishing on different language

Submission Fee

No fee is required at the time of submitting a paper.

Article Processing Charges (APC)

The article processing charge is USD 200 (if the paper is accepted)

Conflict of Interest

Conflicts of interest may exist when professional judgments concerning a primary interest have the possibility of being influenced by a secondary interest (e.g.: financial gains). It is to be noted that even perceptions of conflicts of interest are as important as the actual conflicts of interest. A declaration of interest for all authors must be received before an article can be reviewed and accepted for publication.

Plagiarism Screening

All submitted articles are screened using plagiarism checking software.

Advertisement Policy

The journal does not currently host adverts on the website.

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