International Journal of Arts, Humanities &Social Sciences

ISSN 2994-6417 (Print) , ISSN 2994-6425 (Online)
Literary Review of Into The Desert


Xuemo’s novel is set in the Gobi Desert in western China where Xuemo himself grew up. One of the first authors to write about the lives of farmers in the dessert, he has already produced a considerable body of recognized works, including, Desert Trilogy大漠三部曲 (2013), comprised of three novels, Desert Rites大漠祭, Desert Hunters獵原and White Tiger Pass白虎關 -- considered an iconic work of contemporary literature on western China. The changing culture of the Desert in Western Chinese is described in detail in Xuemo’s works. He not only describes the farmers’ poor and harsh life and offers reflections on traditional agriculture and civilization, but also presents the crises and challenges people faced in the transition from traditional lifestyles to modern industrialization. In the process, ordinary people’s farming, eating, marriage bartering, cheating, quarreling, coping with illness and feeling grief over death and over an empty life are revealed in detail as well.