International Journal of Arts, Humanities &Social Sciences

ISSN 2994-6417 (Print) , ISSN 2994-6425 (Online)
Posibles Impactos De La Transición Energética En La Asociación Sindical Del Sector Minero-Energético En Colombia


This article delves into the intricate relationship between energy transition and the right to union association within the backdrop of Colombia's mining-energy sector. The principal objective is to scrutinize whether energy transition could potentially pose a labor-related threat to the integrity of union associations. Despite available evidence concerning the prospective impacts of renewable energies on the labor market, a considerable void persists concerning their potential ramifications for trade unions and their members. To grapple with this matter, we embark on a rigorous examination of literature pertaining to equitable transition, the economic ramifications on the labor market, and the current legal framework in Colombia. Additionally, we scrutinize one representative case in the department of Cesar, Colombia. Furthermore, we conduct a comprehensive analysis of the repercussions that the energy transition might exert on trade unions. This exhaustive exploration seeks to ascertain whether, given the current circumstances, we can ensure a just energy transition that bolsters the presence of unions within the burgeoning mining-energy sector. In terms of our findings, the following salient points emerge: 1) The transitional process may engender social impacts on regions engrossed in traditional energy sector activities. 2) Energy transition may yield net positive outcomes in terms of employment generation. 3) Sector-specific or activity-based union affiliations exhibit greater adaptability and may emerge as viable alternatives for novel renewable energy ventures. Lastly, our analysis lays bare some of the formidable challenges posed by the energy transition within these domains, simultaneously accentuating the constraints of our study and charting new prospects for future research.