International Journal of Arts, Humanities &Social Sciences

ISSN 2994-6417 (Print) , ISSN 2994-6425 (Online)


Volume No.01 Issue No.04; September 2023
Table of Contents
The Rise and Effect of the Mythology of the Lost Cause

Kevin A. Brown, Esquire

Key words: U.S. Civil War, Military History, U.S. History, Lost Cause Pages: 1-12

Property and the Public Domain

José Luís Bonifácio Ramos

Key words: Dominium; Public Domain; Property; Public Goods Pages: 13-25

¿En Qué Supuesto No Sería Válida La Prueba Para Fundamentar Un Despido Disciplinario? (Comentario De La Sentencia Del Ts De 25 De Mayo De 2023, Rec. 2339/2022)

Pilar Palomino Saurina

Key words: La sentencia del, de incapacidad temporal, disciplinario del trabajador Pages: 26-27

Institutional Violence Networks in the Covid-19 Era

Cruz Garcia Lirios, Oscar Coronado Rincon, Adriana Vanessa Blanes Ugarte, Eyder Bolivar Mojica, Maria del Rosario Molina Gonzalez

Key words: violence, aggression, couple, networks, knowledge, synapse Pages: 28-42

Literary Review of Into The Desert

Dr. Hsiu Ling Robertson

Key Terms: Contemporary Literature, Iconic Work, Traditional Agriculture and Civilization Pages: 43-50