International Journal of Arts, Humanities &Social Sciences

ISSN 2994-6417 (Print) , ISSN 2994-6425 (Online)


Volume No. 02 Issue No: 05; June 2024
Table of Contents
Using the Gray Verhulst Model to Explore the Development of the Elderly Population and Elderly Families in Nantou County, Taiwan

Chun-Ho Chen

Keywords: Gray Verhulst model, Population Growth, Elderly Population, Elderly Household. Page- 01-09

Villains, Victims or Heroes?: The Three Main Women in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Cynthia E. Zeiden

Keywords: Villains, Victims, Heroes. Page- 10-16

Multiracial Generations: (Mis)Identification & Socialization Experiences of Interminority Multiracials and Half-White Multiracials

Jarryd Willis et al.

Keywords: Multiracial, Identity, Socialization, Phenotype, Relationships. Page- 17-60

Do Advisory Letters Engage Parents in Teen Driver Safety?

Kimberly Vachal, Ph.D

Keywords: Teen Driver, Traffic Safety Policy, Parent Engagement, Crash Risk, Low-Cost Strategies Page-61 - 69